Jam-packed Agenda at the Hilton as Mayor Miro Weinberger came to speak about the array of items currently being worked on in town, with special emphasis on the ballot items appearing on
Town Meeting Day, March 5.
Burlington City Flag (Above)
They included
> City Councilor Elections,
> School and Municipal tax rate increases,
> Expansion of the downtown commercial district,
> Merging of the many code and permitting departments into fewer stops, and a more streamlined approval process, and
> A single-use plastics advisory vote.
Following that, our own duly-warned slate of 2019-2020 Club Officer candidates was approved - by acclamation.
And then...
We ran immediately into our Club's first round of Rotary 2019 Speech Contest presenters.
First Mason Beck (a Paul Harris Fellow) filled into present the speech of the Four-Way-Test of his friend, A. Wheeler, also of Burlington High School, who unfortunately came down sick today.
Then, Ms. Layla Sehic
sophomore at Burlington High, and standout community volunteer, presented her great first effort on The Four Way Test as well. The voting panel came up with a tie !, with both garnering $100. We have decided to support and bring both to the next level to be be presented later in the month at the "Level II" rounds at South Burlington Rotary's joint meeting.