The Rotary Clubs of Burlington, Burlington "Sunrise" and South Burlington combine to install a brand new Rotaract Club in our area. With a dozen University of Vermont students coming forward to take on the challenge and create their own fun and important projects. Guided by our memberships, and some "seed money" thus begins our commitment to the collegiate and newly-minted community leaders in our area! At the sunny twilight ceremony at the Hilton, a few of the new Rotaractors and their Rotarian partners posed below.

Thanks to Presidents Joe Gaida, Burlington; Eric Hanson, Burl. Sunrise; and George Donovan, S. Burlington; for pulling it together this year. We especially thank Joanne Pencak (far right.) who is our UVM Business School college liaison and mentor for this Rotaract team.
There was so much excitement as newly-minted members received their Charter and "working papers"!
Some quick shots below of a few "Rotoractors" receiving their certificates.
(With, from l to r: Burlington Rotaract liaison Peter Jones, District 7850 Gov. Larry Vars, and District New Generations Chairman, Jay Polimeno.)

With many more receiving and to receive their certificate this afternoon and
later, at UVM. The entire list includes founding members:
Logan Zandri (President)
Kate Peterson (Vice Pres.)
Emma Rainard (Secretary)
Griffin Shaw (Treasurer)
Lucy George
Rob Zampella
Misheel Khossaikhan
Wil Repka
Aakar Desai
Christian Groff
Cole Green, and
Stella Cunningham.
The three clubs have immediately pledged $100.00, each,
toward their Rotaract treasury, as seed money
for upcoming training and events.
The goals of Rotaract Club are:
- To develop professional and leadership skills;
- To emphasize respect for the rights of others, and to promote ethical standards and the dignity of all useful occupations;
- To provide opportunities for young people to address the needs and concerns of the community and our world;
- To provide opportunities for working in cooperation with sponsoring Rotary clubs;
- To motivate young people for eventual membership in Rotary.